
Struck by Lightning: When Divorce Seems to Come out of Nowhere

All couples will have fights once in a while, but it can be tough to differentiate between the typical argument and the one or series of them that tipped the marriage scale over. Spouses are often aware of the mutual loss of affection and love in the relationship, but there are times when people are […]

Your Quick WA Divorce Checklist

When you’re thinking seriously about divorce, it’s only natural to experience a lot of conflicting emotions at once. This is true whether you’re the person who is planning on filing or who has already filed, or your partner took the first step. It can be overwhelming at first, so when you’re considering everything you have […]

Calculating Your Support in Washington

In Washington State, either parent or both parents can be ordered by the court to pay support for a child. However, it’s usually the noncustodial parent – the parent who has the child for less than half of the time – who actually pays the support. The custodial parent is responsible for child support as […]

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