
Should You Get a New Attorney for Your Personal Injury Claim?

Sometimes, a person may find themselves unhappy with their car crash lawyer in Kent. This can happen for a number of reasons, including a lack of clear communication at the beginning of the case, the attorney’s lack of experience with the person’s case type, or a lack of professionalism from the attorney or their staff. […]

Mediation for Child Custody: What You Should Expect

When you are trying to make decisions about child custody, reaching an agreement with your ex through mediation could be an alternative to the traditional litigation in court. When you are working with a mediator, you and the other parent of your child will be able to negotiate the child custody agreement terms in a […]

5 Costly Mistakes Criminal Defendants Often Make

If you are facing any criminal charge in Washington, it pays to know the mistakes that many people in your situation make so you can avoid the same traps. Sharing Information in a Documented Way Whether it was on TV, in movies or in real life, you’ve probably heard what is known as the “Miranda […]

6 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Attorney Might Decline a Case

Being a victim of a car accident can be very devastating, and it’s not always easy to get the legal help you need for your injuries. Finding a reputable car crash attorney in Marysville is sometimes a challenge for an accident victim, and getting the facts and details about a case across correctly can be […]

What Should You Fight for in Your Divorce?

Knowing just how to pick your battles as you go through the divorce process is crucial. Sometimes, you might be tempted to give up on things worth fighting for just to get to the end of the process. After all, a difficult divorce does take its toll on your emotional, mental and physical well being. […]

What “Self-Defense” Really Means

As once stated by English poet John Dryden, self-defense is among nature’s “oldest” laws. This is also a term that many people know, even if they’ve got nothing to do with the legal field. If someone is attacking you, you’re justified in fighting back to avoid harm to yourself. However, self-defense has its own meaning […]

Don’t Settle Your Claim Before You Are Ready

After a car accident, you’re likely going to be in a tough spot, and this is especially true if you were injured. You have bills to pay, you may not be able to work, and now your vehicle needs repair or has been totaled entirely. At this phase, the insurance company involved is hoping that […]

Accused of Theft? Here’s What You Could Be Facing

Being accused of theft in Washington is a serious matter. In this state, theft is getting property or services with the intention of depriving its owners of that property or service’s true value or wrongfully taking property or obtaining services. Taking lost or mistakenly delivered property is also theft in Washington. As in many other […]

Protecting Your Ability to Drive After a DUI Arrest

After you have been arrested for DUI in Washington, it’s likely you have many concerns and fears surrounding jail time, fines and the other issues that can impact your life following a conviction for it. However, there’s another area that you may not have thought about but need to consider: how it will affect your […]

How Long Do You Have to File Your Car Accident Claim?

After you’ve been in a car accident in Washington, you might be most worried about fixing the damage to your vehicle or replacing it, getting needed medical treatment, and other concerns that immediately pop up after an accident. However, you should also keep in mind that you do not have an unlimited amount of time […]

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